How Threat Research Can Inform Your Cloud Security Strategy
As the world has wholeheartedly embraced online-first living in the wake of the last three years, our collective attack surface has increased exponentially, creating more opportunities for bad actors to exploit. Having a cybersecurity strategy and building one are two entirely different things. The way you accomplish this will be heavily informed by your threat research methodologies. Like all things, the more tuned in you are to the cloud security landscape, the more adaptive you can become. But what exactly does it mean to be “tuned in” and how can you possibly keep up with the constantly changing world of cybersecurity while still having enough time to eat, sleep and drink the occasional espresso-based beverage? What Is a Threat, Anyway? One of the biggest challenges in threat research is keeping up with the rapid evolution of the definition of the word “threat” — and boy has it evolved. In just...